Friday, August 24, 2012

Mornin' Y'all.

Too many umpires here from the South, so I'm startin' to talk like them now.

As I've said before, today is an off day; no games scheduled.  It is set aside each year in case of a need to makeup any games if we have had any rainouts.  Since we haven't had any, we're free for the day.  I'm going to take the time to head on down to Gettsburg which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive.  Long drive, but not as long as the drive from home !

So, we just got our assignments for the two Championship Semi-Finals on Saturday.  The International Championship between Japan and Panama comes first. I've got 3B on that one.  12:30 start back here, which means 9:30am back home.  Following that at 3:30 will be the US Championship between the SouthEast (Tennessee) and the West (Northern CA).  Not sure, but I think both of those games are on ABC.  The two winners will meet on Sunday for the World Championship.  The two non-winners also play on Sunday to determine third place in the world.  Hopefully I'll get to work one of those games but those assignments aren't made until after the two games on Saturday. The assignments will depend upon a lot of things, one of them being how the team from the West does.  As far as Little League goes, one thing is set in stone, no exceptions, period.  Non-negotiable.  No umpire, ever...EVER...can work a game if the team from their Region is involved.  So IF I get an assignment on Sunday, it won't be the game that the West will be playing in.

Well, off  to Gettysburg.  More later tonite depending upon what time I get back.  And let me say this, Thank You.  Thank you for being interested, or curious, or whatever for following along on this adventure.  It's been a wild ride so far, and it's not over yet !


  1. I've been tracking each assignment, and, know you've only had that Canada/Panama plate. Keeping fingers crossed that things align the right way for You! You deserve (and, hopefully, will get) another Plate - for one of these key games. Have a Good Day checking out history. Take Care !

  2. Speaking of Y'all. The plural of Y'all, and there is a plural in the South, is "All Y'all." Leave it to the southerners to come up with this one.

  3. I'll be watching you work the plate on Sunday! You have been great every time I have seen you. It's so much fun to see you smiling and doing your thing back there:)
