Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Crew.  Well, we've got 16 umpires from all over the place !  We've got 13 umpires from the U.S. and 3 folks from the International side. 

On the U.S. side, we have 3 from the West (Northern CA, Southern CA (me!) and for the 1st time in the history of Little League, one from Idaho).  Three more come from the Southwest (2 from Texas and one from New Mexico), with another 3 from the Southeast (Virginia, West Virginia, and Georgia), 2 from the Central (Ohio and Iowa) and 2 more from the East (Connecticut and Delaware). 

Our International umpires are from Canada, Germany and Puerto Rico.

We're a pretty talkative bunch, and have been keeping the internet busy with emails and war stories and the like about our seasons and how excited we are to be working the Grandaddy of LL Tournaments...Williamsport.  The "bonding" process began immediately, and all of us are looking forward to finally meeting "the family".  Even have another Cooper in the bunch (Ohio).  But he comes from the intelligent side of the family...Microbiology Professor at Youngstown St. doncha know !

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